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作者: 发布于:2011/1/28 点击量:

裴 春
(铜仁职院计科系 贵州 铜仁 554300)

Result of excessive use of computers and the treatment of eye disease
Pei Chun
(Tongren Vocational-Technical College Department of Computer Science Guizhou Tongren 54300)
Abstract: The computer easy for people to learn, study, work and play, it would also have certain side effects, excessive use of computers, on the adverse effects of eye health is increasingly common. We should correctly view, should pay attention to the development of their health, understand the symptoms of computer eye disease, good health education, protection of eyesight, preventive, positive control.
Keywords: computer; eye; treatment

眼角膜本属透明,一旦有病,则其透明度发生改变,病人常主诉有视物模糊。本病一般沿三叉神经发病,病变部位侵犯较深,其感觉减退,但因炎症刺激角膜病变的邻近组织,因此刺激症状仍较明显,病程较长,预后且易复发。其表现为干涩感、异物感、畏光、流泪、 烧灼感、眼红、分泌物增多、视物不清等,严重的还会发生角膜结膜上皮角化、角膜新生血管,视力严重下降,甚至导致失明。
同时,长期使用计算机还易患其它相关疾病———例如:①颈椎病:计算机操作使人的头部缺乏活动且久处于同一种姿势,时间过久则出现颈椎代偿性增生,可能压迫神经根,引起肩周炎、上肢活动受限,还可导致供应大脑枕部的椎动脉受压,引起大脑枕部供血异常,出现头痛、头晕、记忆力下降等症状。②神经衰弱 :持久使用计算机者,可出现较严重的神经衰弱症状,如情绪不稳、易躁、易怒、头晕、头痛、失眠和健忘等。③计算机依赖综合征:患者如同药物成瘾,离不开计算机。时间过久会出现性格异常,如孤独怪僻,对周围同事、国内外发生的事情漠不关心,人际关系不正常,甚至导致人格孤独异常等。
食疗通常用于病症不太严重时,也可作为一种预防治疗或者术后保养的方法,对眼睛能够起到很好的保护作用。比如说,我们在食品方面,还因注意尽量不要食用牛、羊、狗、鸡等肉类及烟酒类,以免“提火”。 因为食用牛、羊、狗、鸡等肉类,可加重患者角膜深层病变免疫类反应,导致病情加重,烟酒类能降低人体免疫力使病毒加快繁殖的速度。
在平时生活中,应多吃一些含叶黄素较多的蔬菜、水果和食物等,选用适当的具有改善视力功能的保健食品,则可起到良好的辅助治疗的作用。可选用的食品有:①富含维生素A的食物,如枸杞类制品。 ②富含蛋白质、肽类、某些氨基酸、如牛磺酸,核酸等。 ③含有决明子、菊花、山楂、珍珠粉等的保健茶、冲剂。能够为我们的眼睛视网膜黄斑部位提供足够的营养,起到明目的作用,还能够保护眼睛不受光线的侵害。多吃一些对我们眼睛有益的食物,作用不容小觑。
但是,一些我们常用的眼药水中,含有防腐剂、激素、抗生素,短期使用效果较好,但长期使用对眼睛的损害无法弥补!比如:环丙沙星有轻度的胃肠道副作用;氯霉素可引起白细胞减少甚至再生障碍性贫血。研究证明,链霉素、氯霉素、红霉素、先锋霉素和多粘菌素B能抑制免疫功能,削弱机体抵抗力。长期使用(连续使用2个月以上) 激素类眼药水可能引起眼压增高,甚至引起视神经损害和视力下降,导致激素性青光眼,而青光眼所造成的视功能损伤是不可逆的,部分患者由于长期应用激素类眼药水而导致失明的现象,已经引起患者的忧虑。
中医方面的治疗则为“辩证施治”———中医眼病对人眼的生理功能、病理变化及疾病的诊治方面的认识均有独到之处。将眼睛看作是以脏腑经络为内在联系的有机整体的一部分,中医眼病治疗从不见血止血、头痛医头、脚痛医脚,而是治病求本,辨证施治,因此相对而言,中医眼病的治疗方法与西医的对症治疗相比有着很多的优势。①疑难慢性眼底病。对一些西医诊断明确但治疗乏术被判为“不治之症”的眼病,中医治疗具有特殊的方法。例如:西安市(李霜诚)李氏眼科诊所,研制出有退翳明目的神奇疗效的外用角膜炎专用膏剂(“SL特”眼药膏),对于久治不愈的角膜炎有很好的疗效,经使用后可起到立杆见影的效果,使近万名患者的视力提高,眼角膜消炎后清亮透明。该诊所的清肝利湿益气明目中医药,对治疗病毒性角膜炎及角膜溃疡等也取得较好疗效。②出血性眼病,包括视网膜炎、糖尿病视网膜病变等。一般初期以凉血止血法中医药治疗,中、后期以活血化瘀法促进病变消散吸收。中成药如云南白药、血栓通、葛根素等已在临床广为运用。③应用西药不能根治的反复发作性眼病。如病毒性角膜炎,经中药或加针灸治疗,效果良好。例如:贵州省铜仁市的(舒招招)舒氏眼科“挑针疗法”, 数十多年来治愈了数千名病人的眼睛红肿流泪、严重畏光、烧灼眼红、视物不清等病症。其治疗的具体方法为: 老中医分别翻开患者的上、下眼皮,使用消过毒的银针,挑刺眼皮上的某些毛细血管和穴位, 放出淤血,使经络疏通,让患者依靠自身进行“自愈”, 且疗效极好。而“挑针疗法”在各大医院和医药典集的正规记录中均无说明,西医更无讲述。但患者们才不管这些医典上有无记录,他们只认治疗效果———不管是中医还是西医,治好眼病的方法,就是好方法。笔者当年就在老中医家,治疗令自己头痛万分的角膜溃疡, 经一个月的辩证施治“挑针疗法”,眼角膜上又宽又厚的角膜云翳开始变小变薄消散,不再遮住瞳孔,这就使视力开始恢复,根本就不需要进行什么角膜移植手术等。④病中、病后的调理。不少患者经长期服用西药或手术治疗后,出现头晕目眩、少气懒言、倦怠无力、发热盗汗、失眠等症状,而西医检查一般无阳性改变,应用中药全身调理往往却能很快康复。⑤手术后并发症。如术后伤口久不愈合、术后眼压过低、网脱术后视网膜下积液、青光眼术后视功能进行性下降等,运用中西结合理论也探索出一套行之有效的方法。

Result of excessive use of computers and the treatment of eye disease
Pei Chun
(Tongren Vocational-Technical College Department of Computer Science Guizhou Tongren 54300)
Abstract: The computer easy for people to learn, study, work and play, it would also have certain side effects, excessive use of computers, on the adverse effects of eye health is increasingly common. We should correctly view, should pay attention to the development of their health, understand the symptoms of computer eye disease, good health education, protection of eyesight, preventive, positive control.
Keywords: computer; eye; treatment

As the twenty-first century information technology products, rapid development, people often need in their daily work to deal with the use of computer systems business. To some extent, easy for people to work in the same time, if inappropriate use of these high-tech products, will give considerable adverse health effects. The excessive use of computers, on the adverse effects of eye health is increasingly common. Particularly long-term operation of the computer screen before the technical staff, more prone to decreased vision blurred, photophobia, tearing pain in Shibuya, bloodshot, his eyes red and swollen, and so symptoms of fever. Such "computer eye" symptoms are more concentrated in the long-term staff who use computers.
According to the experts: the damage to the eye health, mainly computer screen radiation. Long-term use of the computer work, computer screen radiation produced, will hurt some of cornea, retina, optic nerve, fundus. It will stimulate the epithelial cells of the cornea, it lowered immunity, leading to corneal epithelial cell edema, dryness, ulcers, eye infection. Radiation on the retina and optic nerve screen damage can not be overlooked, it can penetrate ocular tissues, damage the eye's imaging capabilities, leading to contraction of the retina, optic nerve disorder and its blood supply circulation disorder, so that the vision loss, and even retinopathy, etc. serious disease.
Of course, some readers may think that LCD monitors naive, plus popular on the market some of the "protective screen" products are "green" products need not eye out?
In fact, the liquid crystal display with LCD screen and the "protective screen" product, is part of the reduction of the radiation, operating computer visual experience will be more comfortable. However, the brightness of the LCD display screen has not diminished, even more, the screen does not change the content, the eyes still need to read the same burden of visual fatigue factor is not significantly reduced. In addition, close to the human eye from the screen, the eyes adjust load, strong stimulation may be more prone to fatigue. Prolonged eye exposure to the air, evaporation speed, the eyes will not feel dry, and then cause various eye diseases.
"Protective screen" product is mainly designed for the radiation, and radiation have a certain function, but do not have the protection of visual function. To override the display as before, will change the optical effect of the display itself, if you use inferior Shibao Ping, not only can not protect eyesight, but also damage vision.
Also, people in the acquisition of new computer use, monitor the rear of the cooling holes, for a long period of time, often sending out a similar "magnet wire" the unpleasant smell that may stimulate the part of the operator of the nose mucous membrane so that it does not feel sick or even lead to conjunctival hyperemia.
According to reports: a survey, long-term use of computers in general staff working eyes hurt more than the staff --- Qicheng significant symptoms. Due to the long watch on the computer screen, reduce the number of eye rotation, leading to dry eyes, eye Shibuya, fatigue and other symptoms; three percent decline in visual acuity of personnel, decreased vision blurred. Some of these people's eyes, thus suffering from more serious eye diseases, such as viral keratitis, corneal clouding and so on. To this end individuals even cornea ulcers, corneal perforation, so that the liquid crystal purulent outflow, leading to blindness and so on.
This is because people are sedentary in front of the computer --- as close as things often over-use of computers with the eyes, forcing the ciliary muscle contraction in tension, so that the convex lens to adapt to change, as near objects, eye long-term a state of tension and lack of rest can lead to myopia. In pre-screen, and reading, especially long-term in the open air, dry environment with poor ventilation inside, in the focus of the work or activities, depending on the material in order to ensure a clear, eye to constantly adjust the focus, the average number will blink decline, leading to inadequate supply of tear, tear film stability decreased, which some people more susceptible to eye diseases. Visual fatigue can also cause water to run blocked room, leading to glaucoma. In addition, cataracts, corneal ulcers and other retinal stripping, but also those prone to chronic eye disease using a computer and other disorders.
Common eye disease caused by the computer:
Dry eye
Is due to the insufficient number of tears or of poor quality, resulting in dry eye syndrome. Severe dry eye can cause corneal epithelial damage. Insufficient number of tears: normal, tear secretion rate of each eye is: 1μL / min. Secretion can cause excessive tear evaporation, or the number of inadequate, poor quality tears. In recent years, due to the long use of computers, air pollution and other reasons, the patient increase. On the one hand due to systemic diseases such as Sjogren's syndrome, arthritis, diabetes, etc. so that the lacrimal gland does not produce enough tears cause dry eye; the other hand, due to environmental factors, such as long-term use computers, blink less often, not the cornea moist , the eye will appear dry and sour induced dry eye symptoms, very sensitive to outside stimuli, temporary blurred vision; sometimes too dry eyes, the eyes will be more severe swelling, redness, horny, Popi and corneal epithelial mitotic tilting adhesion, long-term impact of the disease will result in vision damage. In the case of dry weather in autumn, accelerated tear evaporation surface of the eye, dry eye, fatigue and other symptoms will be obvious, or worse.
Conjunctivitis is the conjunctival tissue factor in the outside world and the role of the body's own inflammatory response occurs collectively. Although the visual impact of conjunctivitis itself is generally not serious, but when the inflammation spread to the cornea or cause complications that can lead to vision damage, its incidence is higher. As most of the conjunctiva in direct contact with the outside world, so vulnerable to the infection of the surrounding environment (such as bacteria, viruses, and chlamydia, etc.) and non-infectious factors (radiation stimulation, trauma, chemical substances and physical factors, etc.) to stimulate, and conjunctival blood vessels and lymphatic tissue is rich in the antigen itself and the outside world is easy to allergens. Because the biggest drawback is the use of computers to focus attention on the screen in a fixed range, his eyes kept looking text, symbols or images, which easily lead to dry eyes. With using the computer, focus on work, hard stop, cause eye unknowingly overloaded, red eyes, tearing, dryness and other irritation. The onset of the disease, there is photophobia, tearing, tingling and thin secretions, and eyelid edema, conjunctival hemorrhage due to expansion of blood vessels and make it a red, commonly known as pink eye.
Viral keratitis
According to the research found that: the computer screen to face a long day, 9 hours or more persons, and patients with myopia long faced the computer, it is highly susceptible to the disease. The disease is eye irritation, the result of viral pathogens infection caused by inflammation of the cornea. Rich shallow corneal trigeminal nerve endings, so the disease obvious irritation often have photophobia tears, pain and so on. Further studies have shown that prolonged use of computers seems myopia associated with it great. The virus keratitis is a difficult to cure, the disease recur, but also a high rate of blindness.
Doctors believe the disease to herpes simplex virus is a common pathogen; followed by herpes zoster virus; also vaccinate virus in corneal infection caused by an accident; also have affected the incidence of adenovirus infection. When the body is decreased when the resistance is a predisposing factor in this disease.
Chinese called the disease of "multiple star barrier," see this disease, black eyes wind round a star shade, or polyethylene or casual, clustering arrangement, once the star shade ulceration, integration into the film, was the tree image , the Chinese also known as "shade of white flowers stuck." The disease usually caused by liver and lung Yu heat recovery by Feng Xie, Wind & Fire-phase fan, upside in the wind wheel, however, is also obstruct the liver and spleen during hot and humid, suffocating black eye morbidity. Photophobia common tears, pain, as the paste, delayed healing, black eye after leaving Yi Zhang, as the paste for life.
The cornea is a transparent, if sick, then the transparency of the change, patients often complain of blurred vision. The disease generally along the trigeminal nerve disease, lesions deep violation of their sense of loss, but inflammation of the adjacent corneal tissue, the irritation was still evident, longer course, prognosis and easy to relapse. Its performance for the dry sense of foreign body sensation, photophobia, tearing, burning, redness, increased secretions, such as the material is unclear, severe corneal and conjunctival epithelium also keratosis, corneal neovascularization, a serious decline in visual acuity, and even lead to blindness.
If adequate drug treatment, keratitis is still not controlled, the bacterial toxins and immune complex role of other factors, continue to corneal tissue necrosis, deep ulcers continue to develop further corneal ulcer occurs, even corneal perforation. When referred for treatment of patients that had surgery of corneal transplants to save the eye.
Other related diseases
Meanwhile, long-term use of computers is also susceptible to other related diseases --- such as: ① cervical disease: lack of computer operations activities and people in the head in one position for a long time, the time appears too long cervical compensatory hyperplasia, may be nerve root cause frozen shoulder, upper extremity activity limitation, can also lead to supply the brain occipital vertebral artery compression, causing abnormal blood supply to the brain occipital, headache, dizziness, memory loss and other symptoms. ② neurasthenia: the sustainable use of the computer, could appear more serious symptoms of neurasthenia, such as emotional instability, fiery, irritability, dizziness, headache, insomnia and forgetfulness and so on. ③ computer dependency syndrome: patients as drug addiction, can not do without the computer. Too long there will be personality disorders such as solitary eccentric, and colleagues around, indifferent to what is happening at home and abroad, relationships are not normal, and even lead to abnormal personality alone.
--- People should know that the environment on people's visual function is multifaceted!
Therefore, in operation when the computer should always pay attention to eye health, the key is to change the concept of life and early prevention, good disease control.
Computer led to the common eye disease treatment:
To the right eye
Maintain good posture. Best to sit in a chair the innermost, slightly lean back, elbows resting on the desktop, but not vacant.
Using the computer, computer screen away from the eyes and to keep 50 to 60 cm, the geometric center of the screen as the plane is located below the top of the screen slightly below eye level. And adjust the screen brightness and contrast in a very soft tone, relieve eye fatigue and effective eye protection.
About 1 hour intervals so that the eyes should rest for 10 minutes, the rest can be left to the eye up and down around, you can also close their eyes or sit overlooking, you can heat the eyes 2-3 times a day. Conditions may be appropriately wash your face and reduce eye fatigue. Eyes closed or should try to go for relaxation on the eye, working 2 hours, breaks to, so you can relax the body and eyes, for example, to the window overlooking the 15 minutes, take a look around the distant sky, or green plants, or doing sports, able to do so also do eye exercises relieve visual fatigue.
Here, the author reminds readers personal experience --- task must not be because of work around the clock to stay up late a few days to operate a computer. Because it would lead to patients redness, tearing, severe photophobia, so that the risk of keratitis in the eyes, causing corneal clouding. And as a long-term recurrent illness "tug of war", corneal clouding and thickening gradually widened, in front of just a few fingers can discern. Keratitis associated with severe cases of inflammation to the optic nerve compression and trigger migraine headaches, chronic insomnia without dreams, lethargy, fatigue, and other serious eye conditions can not be depending on the material, this eye patients often get the whole Buddha Amitabha care.
Should pay attention to blink, because it is a protective reflex effect in that the tears evenly coated surface of the cornea and conjunctiva, in order to maintain its wet. Normal human blink is about 10-20 times per minute, if the long gaze on the computer screen, blink often reduced to 4-5 times per minute, the eyes will feel dry.
Screen radiation damage the eyes, some people can wear a radiation function properly "Panda mirror" to reduce radiation on the eyes. This is because the corneal surface and conjunctival surface can not get enough moisture, to see things, they will appear as the material is unclear, sour and other eye conditions.
Drink plenty of water to properly replenish the body lost under dry weather the water, and appropriate to use some lubricating eye drops, prompt treatment of chronic ocular inflammation.
The treatment of eye disease
Treatment of eye diseases, and according to the specific causes of disease caused by targeted treatment, so, for the ever-changing eye disease, treatment can not be generalized. However, the treatment of eye disease are no more than three ways: diet, drug therapy, surgical treatment.
Diet for the disease is usually less severe, but also as a preventive treatment or method of operation and maintenance, can play a very good eye protection. For example, our foods, but also because of attention to try not to eat cows, sheep, dogs, chickens and other meat and alcoholic drinks and tobacco, so as not to "put the fire." Because the consumption of cow, sheep, dogs, chickens and other meat, deep lesions may be aggravated in patients with corneal immune response category, leading to exacerbations, tobacco and alcohol can reduce the body's immune system to accelerate the breeding rate of the virus.
In your everyday life, we should eat plenty of lutein more vegetables, fruits and food, etc., choose the appropriate visual function can improve the health food, you can play a good role of adjuvant therapy. The choice of foods are: ① foods rich in vitamin A, such as wolfberry class products. ② rich in proteins, peptides, certain amino acids such as taurine, nucleic acids and so on. ③ contains cassia seed, chrysanthemum, hawthorn, pearl powder in health-care tea granules. Our eyes to macular area to provide adequate nutrition, play a role in eyesight, but also to protect the eyes from light damage. Eat some good food for our eyes, the role can not be underestimated.
As part of the eye disease is not usually a single lesions occur, often a disease will cause a chain reaction, more complications. Therefore, in treatment, if necessary, to prevent the need together. However, no matter what kind of treatment, must be like to doctor, with the treatment, the best regular professional eye hospital to ensure the most appropriate treatment for eye disease properly.
Drug treatment
Drug treatment divided Western medicine, Chinese medicine treatment of two measures:
Whatever the disease, once we feel that their eyes by the bacteria, virus infection or other external injuries, the first thought is there any medicine to treat. For some minor eye disease or, in some early stages of the disease, usually take drugs to alleviate or control the disease. For example, red eyes, eye drops, eye ointment can cure coating. However, we need medicine, we must remember that to the hospital for inspection, according to the doctor's treatment recommendations in a timely manner, must not own casual drug abuse, so as not to lead to greater disease or accelerate the development of the disease.
Western medicine eye drops, there are mainly artificial tear substitutes, antibacterial eye drops, eye drops three hormones.
Artificial tear substitutes on the market can ease the symptoms of dry eye, dry eye patients for comparison, a number of eye inflammation and eye disease caused by an allergy can also use. Simply because many computer caused eye irritation, eye drops should use this.
Antibacterial eye drops are common in the market, such as chloramphenicol, erythromycin. The eye drops containing antibiotics for the treatment and prevention of eye infections. General ocular infection, conjunctivitis, eye drops and other more suitable for the class. In addition, the wind caused by the jealous eyes of Shibuya, swimming in front of eye protection can be the appropriate use of antibiotic eye drops, 3-4 times a day is appropriate.
And hormones have anti-inflammatory eye drops, anti-allergy and immune suppression, improve metabolism and other effects, eye drops containing hormones common market are: dexamethasone, will be special iodine, fluorine and other US-pupil. Brought against some of the clinical eye inflammation, as well as in the eye laser surgery, the patient needs hormones drops eye drops used to stabilize vision and prevent vision back. The beginning of such eye drops can effectively relieve dry eyes, redness and so on.
However, some of our commonly used eye drops containing preservatives, hormones, antibiotics, short-term use is better, but long-term use of eye damage can not make up! Example: ciprofloxacin have mild gastrointestinal side effects; chlorine ADM can cause neutropenia or aplastic anemia. Studies have shown that streptomycin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, neomycin and polymyxin Pioneer B can suppress immune function, reduced body resistance. Long-term use (more than 2 months of continuous use) hormones may cause increased intraocular pressure drops, and even lead to optic nerve damage and vision loss, leading to steroid-induced glaucoma, and visual function caused by glaucoma is irreversible damage in some patients due to the long application hormones blind eye drops caused the phenomenon, has caused anxiety in patients.
TCM's treatment was "dialectically" --- Chinese eye on the physiological function of the human eye, pathological changes and awareness of diagnosis and treatment of disease are unique. The eyes as for the internal organs and meridians are linked as part of an organic whole, Chinese medicine treatment of eye disease never see blood to stop bleeding, stop-gap measures, but rather seek the medical treatment, syndrome differentiation, so relatively , Chinese medicine and Western medicine treatment of eye disease in the symptomatic treatment has many advantages in comparison. ① difficult chronic ocular fundus. A clear diagnosis of some Western lack technique but was sentenced to treatment as "incurable" eye disease, Chinese medicine has a special method of treatment. For example: Xi'an (LI Shuang Cheng) Lee Eye Clinic, has developed the magical effect of eyesight back shade keratitis special topical ointment ("SL special" eye ointment), for long lasting keratitis have a good effect, after use can play an immediate effect, so that visual acuity improved in ten thousand patients, clear and transparent cornea after anti-inflammatory. The dampness Yiqimingmu Liver Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine, on the treatment of viral keratitis and corneal ulcers, also achieved better effect. ② bleeding eye disease, including retinitis, diabetic retinopathy. Cooling blood to stop bleeding in general the early days of medical treatment, during and after law to promote blood circulation to dissipate absorbed lesions. Proprietary Chinese medicines such as Yunnanbaiyao, Xueshuantong, puerarin, have been widely used in clinical. ③ Application of Western medicine can not cure the recurrent eye disease. Such as viral keratitis, or by traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture treatment to good effect. For example: Tongren City, Guizhou Province (Shu Zhao Zhao) Shu's Eye "pick needle therapy", tens of thousands of years to cure the patient's eyes, tears swelling, severe photophobia, burning red eyes, blurred vision and other symptoms. The specific method of treatment: old Chinese patients were opened, the lower eyelid, the use of sterile needles, pick some dazzling skin capillaries and points, release congestion, to dredge the meridians, to enable patients to rely on itself "self-healing", and excellent efficacy. The "pick needle therapy" in major hospitals and medical Code sets no formal record shows even less about the Western. However, those patients who do not care whether the records on the medical books, they recognize only the treatment effect --- no matter Chinese or Western medicine, cure eye disease way is a good way. I were on that old Chinese house, so that their treatment of corneal ulcers extreme headache, after a month dialectically "pick needle therapy", corneas, corneal thickness on the wide and smaller thinner clouds began to dissipate, no cover live in the pupil, which makes the vision began to recover, there is no need for any corneal transplant surgery. ④ disease, the disease after the conditioning. Many patients taking the medicine or surgery by the long-term treatment, appears dizzy, less gas lazy words, fatigue, weakness, fever, night sweats, insomnia and other symptoms, but no positive change in the general Western inspection, the application of Chinese medicine is often able to recover quickly the body conditioning . ⑤ postoperative complications. Such as long-suppressed wound healing, postoperative intraocular pressure is too low, the net off the subretinal fluid after surgery, glaucoma surgery such as decreased function, the use of integrated Chinese and Western theory to explore a set of effective methods.
Most importantly, Chinese medicine treatment of eye disease has certain advantages, no side effects, did not hurt the eyes. Of course, a lot of eye disease should be based on the actual situation, to see which treatment is better taken.
When subjected to large eye lesions, or the development of certain diseases can no longer control the drug treatment, doctors often based on the patient's specific condition, take the appropriate surgical treatment.
Surgical treatment of non-drug treatment for the disease usually has a good effect, through the operation part of the underlying disease or treatment can be controlled, of course, does not rule out the possibility of failure of some surgical diseases. For example: the more famous now as the "North of Beijing Tongren Hospital, south of Guangzhou, Zhongshan Hospital," good eye surgery in these hospitals, especially because of corneal ulcers and corneal transplant surgery carried out. Another example: The patient's corneal ulcer can lead to corneal perforation, purulent outflow of the liquid crystal, thereby endangering the entire head of security, and forced to use "Liu" type of last resort - removal of the eye, can only be removed to surgical methods - - This is of course to make life-long grudge patients with ah!
Through the above aspects, we see that everything has two sides --- the use of computers, of course no exception.
In the information in the rapid development of high-tech products, people burst of applause of computer applications, this high-tech products in the times convenient for people to learn, study, work and play, it would also have certain side effects, excessive use of computer, on the adverse effects of eye health is increasingly common. We should correctly view, positive control, concerned about the development of the computer, it should also pay attention to their healthy development!


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